Welcome to The Hyacinth Review! Submissions are currently open for the theme Books & Literature until January 22nd, 2025. You can submit your work here.
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To Die For

To Die For

Painting of a lesser yellow lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium parviflorum) and a Canadian white violet (Viola canadensis), by Annie L. Prat (1861 - 1960).

To Die For originally appeared as Lady Slippers in the Red Rock Review, Spring, 2018

Exploring a trail
circling a mountain lake …
at the inlet I discovered

two rare orchids    eyes peering at me
moccasin-chins framed by spirals
red sepal-braids,    bold yellow

lady slipper mouths invited me to bumble
if I bee, to zoom into a golden tunnel
stroll on neon green.

Miles of pines    in green surround
spoke to each other of survival …
only one coddling brilliance.

I was young    and alone
unacquainted with wilderness
bereft of tooth and claw.

Struck with wonder, I pinched
two blossoms    scalped from stems
weeping xylem tears    orchid

blood oozing to the forest floor.
I slipped them into my pack
assassination complete.

In camp    lady slipper chins
sepal braids wilte    eyes closed.
I hurried their sad faces

onto white paper
pressed them in a poetry book
to dry, ready to haunt me

for years to come.