Founded in 2021. THE HYACINTH REVIEW an online journal dedicated to exploring the humanities through various mediums & providing free learning resources for all
Two young women in flowing dresses bending over in a meadow to pick wildflowers
'Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May'. John William Waterhouse, 1909

In the Victorian language of flowers, the hyacinth sends the message: ‘your loveliness charms me’. In Greek mythology, the hyacinth sprung from the blood of Hyacinthus, lover of Apollo. Wherever it’s represented, the hyacinth symbolizes an aesthetic appreciation which, as our name suggests, is the focus of this journal.

From poetry and creative writing, to research essays and reviews, through the world of art and photography, our aim is to promote and celebrate the beauty that can be found everywhere in our world, in all its diversity. If you leave this site with a new bit of knowledge, a burst of inspiration, or even just a nugget of joy – then we’ve done our job.

We’re here for the poets, the bookworms, the autodidacts. Those who see the beauty in the world and hope to add to it. The individuals with niche interests and a curiosity that can never be sated. And, of course, we’re here for those who are in need of a little dose of hope, inspiration, and joy.

We believe that access to art and literature is everyone’s right. We believe that knowledge should be accessible, approachable, and (most importantly) free. Most of all, we believe that everyone has some beauty to share with the world.

We can’t wait to hear from you, and we hope you find a little bit of joy while browsing these digital pages.


Ariel K. Moniz & Terri Pinyerd


For Every Window
Big Daddy
Frost Dreams
Night School
What I Need To Dream