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Lunar Stories

Lunar Stories

“A century, a year, a single night…contains the entirety of history.” – Jorge Luis Borges

The Moon is Sheherazade.
She knows the stories will spool
allows the arc to loom
with silver thread.

Plucked from the night
stories eager for collection
patient lingering & coiling
seeking to be known.

The moon beaming her light stories.
Forest of wonder, each star a tree
Each planet an ocean.

How the moon grows like a story,
gibbous, skein of silver thread
even moonless the stories are present

in what has been removed
just like words erased from a poem
remain and linger
the unsaid unspooling.

Inspired by Leandro Katz’s art, “Lunar Sentence” and “Lunar Alphabet”, Museum of Modern Art, Workshop held on November 13, 2023 with Serubiri Moses.