Adrienne Stevenson lives in Ottawa, Canada. A retired forensic scientist,…
up before dawn
grab eggs
from under dozing hens
milk the cow
ewe if you prefer
or nanny goat
persuade bees
to part with some
honey, just a bit
in liquor cabinet
find best quality rum
Appleton Special
raid spice-box
for rare nutmeg
grate finely
whip up eggs
add cream-rich milk
dollop of honey
when foamy, add rum
sprinkle with spice
toast mid-winter

Adrienne Stevenson lives in Ottawa, Canada. A retired forensic scientist, she writes poetry and prose. Her poetry has appeared in over fifty print and online journals and anthologies in Canada, USA, UK, and Australia. When not writing, Adrienne tends a large garden, reads voraciously, and procrastinates playing several musical instruments.