B. Fulton Jennes

B. Fulton Jennes is Poet Laureate of Ridgefield, CT, and poet-in-residence at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. A retired public-school educator, her poems have appeared widely in literary journals and anthologies, including Rust and Moth,  SWWIM,  Tar River Poetry, The Night Heron Barks, Tupelo Quarterly, Vassar Review, Verse-Virtual, Comstock Review , Right Hand Pointing,  Extreme Sonnets II  and many others. In 2021, Jennes’ poem “From the Room of an Unknown Girl” was awarded the Leslie McGrath Prize by Helix  Magazine and another poem, “Glyphs of a Gentle Going,” won the 2022 Lascaux Prize. Her collection Blinded Birds  (Finishing Line Press) received the 2022 International Book Award for a poetry chapbook.

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Fir Forest I
My Father’s Land