Blair Center

Blair Center is a writer and student from Inverurie in the North-East of Scotland. Center has had poetry published by The Basilisk Tree, Boats Against the Current, Dreich, The Hyacinth Review, and Leopard Arts. In 2021, his poem, 'Hosie's Sickness' received Highly Commended in the open poetry category of the Buchan Heritage Society's Doric Writing Competition; in 2023, two of his poems, 'The Stanners' and 'Birthday Roses', attained third place. Whether in English, Scots, or his local tongue, Doric, Center finds that themes of nature, memory, identity, and place particularly and consistently motivate his work.

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Of Ink
Street Winter Sunlight and Snow
Following In Footsteps
Lake With Dead Trees (Catskill)
Cemetery Tree
Impressionist painting of several cherry trees blossoming in pink and white