Mary Aherne

Mary Aherne writes poetry and short fiction, and her work has been published in various anthologies and journals including Hull, City of Poets, South, Grindstone, High Wolds Poetry Anthologies and The Critical Fish. She has edited and contributed to a number of Humber Writers’ collaborations including Hide, Postcards from Hull, Under Travelling Skies, Slipway and Incoming, commissioned for the Humber Mouth and Beverley Literature Festivals. She taught Creative Writing at the University of Hull. Projects include Shards, a collection of poems celebrating Hornsea Pottery, a number of which have been included in a public art trail, and The Beauty of Indifference, a response to the work of Marcel Duchamp, a commission from Fountain17 as part of Hull City of Culture 2017. Mary has given readings at the Humber Mouth and Beverley Literature Festivals, Fountain17, Hornsea Regeneration Project, the University of Hull, and international events in Romania and Kyrgyzstan.

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Still-life with Vegetables and Pottery