Catherine McGuire is a writer and artist with a deep…
A sudden morning Gabriel –
haloed, glowing buzz bomb –
hovering at my hat brim
more light than substance
surely far astray too soon!
There are chill shadows yet
among the iris, the comfrey –
why risk freezing for some powdered gold?
Or did you appear to announce
some quickening gift of spring,
to pour this poem
into my palms?

Catherine McGuire is a writer and artist with a deep concern for our planet's future. She has five decades of published poetry, four poetry chapbooks, a full-length poetry book, Elegy for the 21st Century (FutureCycle Press), a SF novel, Lifeline and book of short stories, The Dream Hunt and Other Tales (Founders House Publishing). She shares her Sweet Home, Oregon half acre with cats, chickens, a garden/orchard and bees.