Now Reading
pillowcase [sand] ballet

pillowcase [sand] ballet

the chimes of 3am (twirl and twinkle in suburban midnight)
a sandman (at the foot of my bed, lounging)
a half-finished, 
twice-brewed english breakfast teacup
competing with lukewarm, paper-thin plastic water bottle
 on my scuffed bedside table

oh, beckon me, pillowcase parade
let the muscular knots of yesterday melt
into department store cotton-polyester

please? <a sandy disagreement>

a poison kiss of nightshade,
the half-life of a 40-hr candle (false advertising)
the moulting, lizard-like-cascade
 of psoriasis shedding
like the fur of an eager puppy

the faint hum of jazz and galloping piano notes,
checking the blue moon illumination of my iPhone,

<a sandy ambivalence>

<a familiar falling sensation>

<a jeté into soft clouds>