Jason Lee is an undergraduate history student at Yale University.…
My needs are different
From those of the old peninsula.
“Black sesame ginger only white seeds”
I ask. “Can you
Make noodles at home
Without pulling, rice wine
Using champagne yeast, luxury
From SPAM rations and a militant
Impulse to make things even
Out of welter, and waste?”
Which is to say, I am left
With a wasted instinct—to want
To make from scratch the grains and spirits
That haunt a foreign land.
All this must be tribute, then.
I improvise
The ancestral rites, defer
To their methods, and the moment
These wrong pears make distance
Itself an offering.
This is just
What I know—
What is mine
And what we must still take from strangers.
Jason Lee is an undergraduate history student at Yale University. He loves and thanks his family and friends, and supports the cause of labor everywhere.