Karan Chambers
Karan is a poet, ex-English teacher, and mum to three…
This morning I notice
daffodil buds:
tightly furled, waiting
to explode across the lawn.
daffodil buds:
tightly furled, waiting
to explode across the lawn.
For the first time
in a long time
I allow myself to think
about my mother’s hands,
how they curve inwards,
as if they permanently cup
regret. My hands have always
been splayed, searching for
in a long time
I allow myself to think
about my mother’s hands,
how they curve inwards,
as if they permanently cup
regret. My hands have always
been splayed, searching for
something —
And, somewhere, those curving hands
are placing daffodils carefully
in a cut-glass vase, filling
it with water and setting
it on a windowsill
where light still
are placing daffodils carefully
in a cut-glass vase, filling
it with water and setting
it on a windowsill
where light still

Karan Chambers
Karan is a poet, ex-English teacher, and mum to three lively boys. She studied Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia and has been previously published by The Mum Poem Press, The 6ress, Ink Sweat and Tears, The Winnow, Boats Against the Current, and was shortlisted in The Black Cat Poetry Press’ recent competition. She is working on her first collection of poetry.