Ken Anderson was a finalist in the 2021 Saints and…
All erotic myths lie arched
in this card
from August. Islands are pearls
on plush, and far, a dead colossus floats.
Wrinkled tissue, sky evaporates. The town heaps up
like skulls. Gardens rust, and palm trees bulge
with nets
of golden dates. The beach slips
under a fleet
of levitating boats. I see you slouched
in a teak sling chair, sipping Campari, model
in an ad
beneath the luminous red-striped awning. Bikinis,
like confetti, speckle the sand, and ferries fan
to Paradise and Super Paradise.

Ken Anderson was a finalist in the 2021 Saints and Sinners poetry contest. New Poetry from the Festival (an anthology of the 2021/2022 winners and finalists) includes four of his poems. His poetry books are The Intense Lover and Permanent Gardens. Publications include Better than Starbucks, Café Review, Coffin Bell, Dash, Dawntreader, Harvest (Quillkeepers Press), Free Verse Revolution, Hole in the Head Review, The Journal, London Grip, Lullwater Review, Nebo, Oddball Magazine, Orbis, Penumbra, Rudderless Mariner Poetry, Sangam Literary Magazine, Sein und Werden, Toho Journal, Verbal Art, and Willawa Journal.