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Ode To The Light On The Sea At High Tide

Ode To The Light On The Sea At High Tide

Painting of three people and a small dog along the seashore

After Neruda

You must be a chaos, to give birth to a dancing star – Nietzsche

coming up,
delicate as fishnet.
The water stands
fig-green in the hollows.
Clouds bunch
and thicken, the sea
turns the blue-black
of Seurat’s dog.
Bending low
to skim stones,
we watch the light breaking
on the swell,
like mackerel skin.
Turquoises in the shallows,
greens and blue-violets
in the troughs
with crimson points
at the crest;
and the dull orange
of seaweed floating
in the water.
In the white foam
not colours but light
at play. We blink
to see the changes;
laughing to have
the wind blow so hard,
and have all
the constellations
of the heavens
to ourselves.