L. Ward Abel’s work has appeared in hundreds of journals…
Woods in post-bloom bristle and sway
slow draws through-over-around
each a perfect perch
with just beyond more of the same
a series of infinitely small moments
further halved
never quite to a stop, a sad reticence
at cessation always blazing new ways
to that massif in the room.
The other night after three AM
a bird sang from the bushes
outside a window full-throated
in pitch black, filled, embedded
there I think he was jonesing for
Like a monastery bell at vespers
a candle, the bird only hinted
never told outright a guarantee
of another rotation and then
I realized we were both awake.

L. Ward Abel’s work has appeared in hundreds of journals (Rattle, Versal, The Reader, Worcester Review, Riverbed Review, Honest Ulsterman, others), including nominations for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Web, and he is the author of three full collections and ten chapbooks of poetry, including American Bruise (Parallel Press, 2012), Little Town gods (Folded Word Press, 2016), A Jerusalem of Ponds (Erbacce-Press, 2016), and his latest collection, The Width of Here (Silver Bow, 2021). He is a reformed lawyer, he writes and plays music, and he teaches literature. Abel resides in rural Georgia.