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우주 / cosmos

우주 / cosmos

Aurora Borealis
one day         I might smell borealis fumes         perhaps
at night       and rural stars reaching        light years apart
when i say       let there be light       i want the stars to shine

upon some intricate clock       so that when i see the seconds
merge into minutes       i can’t avoid worrying    about the
growling accent        that oozes into      the separate characters

and blends them         so 그러게 becomes a rough gruhgae         and all the
individual pieces become          processed into a       spoiled six year
milky way smoothie       because thats what i heard          how long you forget 

a language in       at least Google says that          and not Naver
but it’s alright       the separate lines of four seasons        surrounding the 
deep red and blue taegeuk                are combining
into thirteen        red and white stripes          already