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Magdalena: Portrait of a Damned Woman

Magdalena: Portrait of a Damned Woman

Painting of a woman in a red gown applying perfume

Faced with a mirror,
It seems that my Adam’s apple
has refused to blossom.
I’ve been absolved of the Sins of Man,
But not absolved of
being a Man.

O Mary, my Mother,
You must now kneel
At the foot of all the Crucifixes
Of your banned children.
Because to be a Mother of Women,
Means to birth your baby,
With nails pounded into their palms.

Taught to fear the vile Serpent,
but once I shed my Faith,
I too, began to slither.
An apple never passed my lips,
but I am still banned from Eden.
I find myself Crucified to this
Cross of Chromosomes.

Perfume wraps
around my wrists.
Woman in a Bottle,
Man in Battle.

Born an Entity in a Man’s body,
an Entity in a
Man’s World
Not Man enough to respect.
Nowhere near Woman enough to Love.