Peggy Hammond’s recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Pangyrus,…
Unseen becomes seen
on February’s blank page.
Worlds below remain embryonic
while determined daffodils
thrust through, lifting
long heads to distant sun.
February, perceived
as sterile, plays midwife,
brings forth rewards.
Jealous crocus arrives,
exotic in purple,
cup-bearer to gods.
Ready with fragrant nectar,
unkind beauty usurping
the sun’s gaze.
Frilled daffodils rest
once-bright faces
on drifted snow,
lament the days
when sun was theirs,

Peggy Hammond’s recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Pangyrus, The Comstock Review, For Women Who Roar, Fragmented Voices, The Sandy River Review, ONE ART, Burningword Literary Journal, Dear Reader, Eunoia Review, Boats Against The Current, and elsewhere. A Best of the Net nominee, her chapbook The Fifth House Tilts is due out fall 2022 (Kelsay Books). Find her on Twitter @PHammondPoetry.