Rachel Smith is a twenty-year-old poet living in Glasgow, published…
not a bee but a wasp
resting in the womb of a fig
reproductive sweetness
will eat at my wings
I made my bed in this sugary brain
hanging from a tree, a family
of ripe shrunken heads
but it sort of spoils a fruit salad
to know they’re made of death
my mother was a bumble bee
too fat to leave the floor
I have a hundred times excelled her
so what a fine way to let her know
I was worth sleeping through life for
miraculous, mystery will become
of me, seeds will pull towards the sun
like zombies
until there’s a cemetery of fig trees

Rachel Smith is a twenty-year-old poet living in Glasgow, published recently in The Alchemy Experiment anthologies and exhibition, The Ayrshire Post, Pith zine, and G-You magazine - among others. She is Chairman of GUPS, a society for poetry based out of the University of Glasgow where she is an honours student of English Literature entering her final year. As well as working as an editor for the literary journal ‘From Glasgow to Saturn’ she regularly performs locally and encourages members of her society to continue writing, performing, and publishing their work. Her work regularly takes on the subjects of mental health, modern womanhood, and relationships.