Ruby Simoneau is a writer from Minnesota currently living in…
The wind howls at the lake
in wolf tongue
drowns out her watery laugh
whitecaps spit up dead beach grass
and fish bones
we run when the egg yolk sun
starts to drip below the tree line
when we start to mistake tree shadows
for bodies
in a dream we’d stay
lick the glowing sap from maple trunks
let the heavy sky stack on top of us
til we liquify
melt towards the lake
and its foaming mouth
some days we forget we are wingless
forget that we can’t hide
in robins’ nest or rotten logs
Bloody moon Milky moon
it doesn’t matter
the moon is only enough
for boneless moths
not those easily swallowed
by the dark
Ruby Simoneau is a writer from Minnesota currently living in Black Mountain, NC. She has been an editorial intern for Passages North Magazine and a fiction reader for West Trade Review. Her work can be found in Snowflake Magazine, The Nabu Review, Conspectus Borealis, among others.