Shania Reyes is a writer, artist and poet from the…
I put my hands
In the soil
Asked about the
Lines on my palms
And it scoffed
Said I was too muddled
Water-thin blood,
Mixed with sand, dirt
And gravel
Descended from
A line that branched
And broke
And spilt
Down the middle
Cutting off
Like a numbed limb
Amputated by the Spanish
By the Portuguese,
By those who sought
Land in bodies
I asked the
Soil where I
Came forth
And it scoffed
Asked if I really
Wanted to know
If I could stand the
Truth. I said
No. I said yes—
I don’t know
What I am
I just know
That I’m here and
My ancestors struggled
To just exist
But I am here.
Here. I am.

Shania Reyes is a writer, artist and poet from the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. She writes poetry and fiction inspired by the folklore and the culture of her home country. She has poems published in the Sunday Mornings At The River poetry press.