V.C. Blackhouse
V.C. Blackhouse is a queer disabled writer from the Appalachian…
I will love you like a god
cradle you close
swaddle you in silks andcrown you in
glory in
Will strip away the flesh I hold
dear and press chips of bark to the
newborn, burn-bright musclebeneath until you are scaled
body as lithe as the
serpent that foretold my
hunger for your tears as one
speaks of a coming storm
Live off of the olives that weigh
down your hair, the mint
dripping from your fingertips, thefigs that sprout from your limbs
Draw a comb of bone through the
crocus petals
falling down your moon-scythespine
Take your death-tender
corpse, gather your
blood in the goblet of mypalms, pass it through my
Watch it blossom into

V.C. Blackhouse
V.C. Blackhouse is a queer disabled writer from the Appalachian Mountains. Their work focuses on themes of horror, embodiment, love, and their overlap. V.C.’s first mini chapbook, Pieces of the Sky, is coming soon from Sword & Kettle Press. They can be found @vcblackhouse on Twitter.