Cassandra Sarah Pegg (she/her) is an Honours English Literature and…

Cassandra Sarah Pegg (she/her) is an Honours English Literature and Psychology student at Concordia University in Montreal and a writer that can’t seem to settle into one genre. She does however especially love the swash-buckling, dragon-infested, magic-infused, sword-fighting worlds of fantasy, and finds joy in living in those realms vicariously through reading and writing. She dabbles in poetry usually of the emotional variety and is a serial hobbyist. Cassandra is the co-founder/co-EIC of Crab Apple Literary, a new Montreal-based magazine. She has fiction and poetry published in Soliloquies Anthology, pixie literary magazine, Dollar Store Magazine, Metatron Press’ #MicroMeta Instagram series, All Worlds Wayfarer, and has a poem forthcoming in Gnashing Teeth Publishing. This is the first time her photography has been published. You can find her on twitter @cassxtle or, more frequently @CrabAppleLit.