Chris Bullard
A native of Florida, Chris Bullard lives in Philadelphia. He…
Profuse as a crowd of on-lookers
at a political motorcade:
at a political motorcade:
pale, anonymous bodies spring
from the gravelly berm as a blur
from the gravelly berm as a blur
of emptiness spied in the transition
between the animated traffic
between the animated traffic
and the stolid green wilderness.
For the passenger who notices
For the passenger who notices
only their indistinct commonality,
they are nothing but humdrum.
they are nothing but humdrum.
Yet, in a field, each umbel,
long-armed, purple at the center,
long-armed, purple at the center,
possesses a singular beauty,
a blossom grace lost in the rushing by.
a blossom grace lost in the rushing by.

Chris Bullard
A native of Florida, Chris Bullard lives in Philadelphia. He received his B.A. in English from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.F.A. from Wilkes University. Grey Book Press published Continued, a poetry chapbook, in 2020 and Moonstone Press recently published Going Peaceably to the Obsidian Knife, his chapbook of environmentally themed poetry. Main Street Rag expects to publish his poetry chapbook, Florida Man, early next year.