Chris was born and raised in Sydney Australia. He completed…
Thrive my pretty flower
for the weeds will always grow,
and a petal that falls amongst the stones
will always be alone;
your scent is trust – the world to be,
offering more than mere entropy;
pigment that takes the eye,
flattering the shade by an
uneven glance, when nothing
else could matter;
gentle roots that strive for life,
as harsh days halt your growth,
blossom not where weeds are found
for beauty has no home.

Chris was born and raised in Sydney Australia. He completed university in Sydney and graduated with a degree in business studies. Chris has devoted his spare time to writing, with works published in Quadrant, The Remington Review, Adelaide Magazine, LIT UP Magazine, Eunoia Review, Mojave He[art] Review, 101 Fiction, and several genre anthologies (including the recent Smoke in the Stars Anthology), among other creative spaces.