A resident of Connecticut and a lover of all things…
A buoyant whirl of catkins
and glossy leaf, thick as
language, seeking to sweeten
the sharp tang of decay and
salted air. but even you, bog
myrtle, cannot decide if you’re
a creature of air, earth or water;
you’re tangled hamlet seems to
drift just above the water-line,
serving as a bulwark – a blue-
green plume that’s near-enameling –
and holding onto this strip of land
and your feral necklace of shells,
bones, paper and glass, at least until
the advancing swell of tides loosens
your muddy belt, amputates the
luminous clay and you become a lush,
lopsided bounty for water after all.
A resident of Connecticut and a lover of all things chocolate, John Muro is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee and, more recently, a nominee for the Best of the Net award. He has published two volumes of poems – In the Lilac Hour and Pastoral Suite – in 2020 and 2022, respectively. Both volumes were published by Antrim House, and both are available on Amazon and elsewhere. John’s poems have appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including Acumen, Barnstorm, Hyacinth Review, MockingHeart, Sky Island and the Valparaiso Review. Instagram: @johtmuro.