Kendra Whitfield lives and writes at the southern edge of…
You would love this moon
Would call me long distance to look at it,
Recite The Highwayman by heart
Teaching me that beauty gallops
Under the jewelled sky
You would love this wind,
Would drink gallons of tea from colorful mugs
And tell me about gales that blew
Clampers into the harbor and fluttered
Flags on the decks of warship convoys.
You would love this snow
Would compare it to the blizzard
That roared the day your son was born,
Recall the stranded sailor who gave you his
Blood, arm to arm.
You would love this sky
Would remember how it lured you
From your geography textbook,
Beckoning you West to replace the
Atlantic with wheat fields.
You would love this poem
Would ask me to read it again and again
Writing it on your heart so
You could pull it out to comfort you
On nights too bleak for memories.
Originally published in Issue 6 of Duck, Duck, Mongoose

Kendra Whitfield lives and writes at the southern edge of the northern boreal forest. Her work has been anthologized by Community Building Art Works and Beyond the Veil Press and is forthcoming from Dalika Magazine and Paddler Press. When not writing, she can be found swimming laps at the local pool or basking in sunbeams on her back deck.