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Letter From The Editors: Our Stance & Policy On AI

Letter From The Editors: Our Stance & Policy On AI

Liberty Inviting Artists to Take Part in the 22nd Exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists

We hope you’re having a wonderful May so far! Instead of our usual monthly post, we thought we’d take a moment to address our stance on AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated work, both in regards to our submission policy and our personal thoughts on the subject as creators and supporters of the arts.

To sum up: we have a zero tolerance policy for AI generated submissions of any medium. This includes (but is not limited to), poetry, creative writing, essays, columns, and all mediums of art & photography. Any individuals found to be submitting AI generated work to us during our open call will be blacklisted from our submissions.

While AI has its place, we do not believe that that place is within the arts. Human creativity is a precious thing, and as a humanities journal we value human expression above all.

AI cannot create, it can only steal, and it does so from hardworking artists, writers, and creators who are finding that their professions and passions are on increasingly shaky ground.

Our mission has always been to lift creative voices and to celebrate the humanities, and that includes defending the integrity of the arts.

Our Submissions guidelines have been updated to reflect this policy, and we hope that as fellow supporters of the arts, our readers & creators will respect this.
