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Poem For When An Angel Appeared Briefly In The Low Light

Poem For When An Angel Appeared Briefly In The Low Light

Painting of a figure walking down a path at dusk, the sun setting in the distance

perhaps, it was an angel appearing briefly in the low
light to bear witness to this rippling of fields in the hip.
by this, I learn something about power— about the
earth & weariness of my heart; about faith & spiritual
innocence playing before my shut eyes as my duty of
watchman & priest; as if, there was a garden path of the
spirit he was drawing me in to hear the visions of the
lord about world powers & their weaknesses. to prove I
saw him, I stand in the spot where he stood, breaking
the music supplied by these brown toads & crickets
under grass; my body feeling for an instant, an electric
charge in the air —his breath— heavy upon my head,
draping me with a damp, tingling garment of goose
bumps & burdens— almost as if, I should fall to the
ground; the anointing washing away, the withstanding in
my bones