Patricia Feinman
Patricia Feinman is a writer and visual artist. Her sculpture…

Patricia Feinman
Patricia Feinman is a writer and visual artist. Her sculpture explores the play between the use of universal symbols culled from Greek and Christian mythology and the archetypes of her own unconscious; expressing such themes as: birth, love, sex and death. To see more of Patricia’s work, please visit patriciafeinman.com She lives in the Catskill Mountains with two large dogs. Five excerpts from LOSING ART—SMOKING WITH ART, THE STICK-UP ARTIST, THE NINTH CIRCLE OF CATSKILL, LOSING ART (an excerpt) and GHOST OF VALENTINE’S DAY PAST have been published in Mayday Magazine, Wilderness House Literary Review, The Dillydoun Review, Minerva Rising and New Mexico Review, respectively.