Now Reading
Instructions for Allium

Instructions for Allium

Painting of five purple flowers on a grassy background
Eight inches down. Eight apart. Pointed end
of the bulb: up.
Plant after the first hard frost.
There are seven in the package.
Constellate them
in the shape of the Seven Sisters, who appear,
where we live, also at the time of frost.
If we
had had sisters, they, like those in that cluster,
would now be middle-aged, hot, B-type stars.
As with mortal sisters,
the parsecs between us
would be strewn with landmarks razed or dead,
but would serve for navigation nonetheless.
The glow of their sorority
finds, then kisses, this frozen,
night-cloaked ground. They whisper flowery, mythic
secrets. Wait.
Come April, see the Allium germ.
Watch them live like all days are – and will be – spring,
their gaudy heads turned skyward every hour
after midnight,
searching space beyond the moon for their celestial family,
the daughters of Atlas, their love now beyond explanation
a hemisphere away.