Sophia Isabella Murray

Sophia Isabella Murray is 10% witch, 10% poet, 10% hermit and 100% mother. She is also not very good at Mathematics so tries to use her words instead. During a prolonged stay indoors along with the rest of the world, she decided to put the ukulele down and only write the lyrics; someone kindly informed her it was actually just called poetry. She lives with her husband, children and her familiar - assuming the form of a small, angry terrier - in a house on the ley lines surrounded by the stormy Northumberland hills. Sophia has been published in various anthologies by Blood Moon Poetry Press, Mum Poem Press, Sunday Mornings at the River, Bent Key, The 6ress and Free Verse Revolution Lit. Her first collection, The Alchemist’s Daughter, was released October 2022 by Cast Iron Poetry - Time is an Ocean Press. You can view her work online at Instagram: @sim_poetry

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