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Seashell Rings

Seashell Rings

Till min bror

on the shore of Skummeslövsstrand, my brother
picks up a seashell, says you can tell how old they are

based on the rings; like a tree. den här, he exclaims,
är antingen två eller hundra eller nånstans däremellan.

this one is either two or a hundred
or somewhere in-between.

the laugh that escapes from us all is so bright
it shimmers, despite the clouds closing in.

a beacon of knowledge, indeed.
as he tosses it into the sea, I think he is right

to say it still. he always knows when to lift
a mood; hold it up like a seashell

for us all to see, share it with vigour.
often, I think he is a lighthouse;

creating pockets of something that glimmers
like joy through clouds.