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Painting of a field of prickly pear cacti with red and yellow blossoms

At the edge of my porch,
those yellow cactus flowers,
yellow! yellow! yellow!
like fireworks
crackling at my feet.

And pop pop!
there go the sparkling succulent blooms,
brighter than any pink I’ve ever seen—
besides, maybe, the bougainvillea,
whose winter-dried stalk is finally
unfurling broad leaves
like glorious green fans to the wind;
another winter has passed!
Now, come and bask in our resilience!

If you could see them now
you would know why I find their enthusiasm
so contagious.
This rich Sonoran soil—glittering with life—
is an earthy reflection of the night sky,
and the desert is putting on a dazzling display
in honor of spring.