Ayoade Olamide

Ayoade Olamide (he/him), NGP i, is a budding poet from the north of Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. He is a Mass Communication Undergrad in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria, author of "Poets Don't Sleep", a chapbook where he declares his undying love for poetry & portrays himself as a nyctophile. He's an ardent lover of music (loves raving & drilling), a song writer & a preacher of poetry. He's also the first runner up of BKPW (2021 October Edition). His works have appeared/forthcoming in Hyacinth Review, PoetryColumn-NND, ArtsLounge, Woven Poetry, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Ariel Chart, WattNigeria, Bansi/Demigods anthology, & elsewhere. He tweets @HeisLamide and can be found on Instagram @heislamide

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